Caledonian University

Staines is one of the latest towns to get its own wagamama’s, with a new restaurant that’s proving as popular as ever. “We’ve been serving over 3,000 customers a week since opening,” says executive chef Steve Mangleshot, “As you can imagine, it gets pretty busy!”
Drawing inspiration from ramen noodle bars, wagamama’s menu offers authentic asian food inspired by the flavours of Japan with a focus on using the freshest ingredients. Steve explains: “Our aim at wagamama is to provide fast, fresh food and provide our customers with great value for money. Williams Refrigeration plays a huge part in helping us achieve that.
“We’ve been working with Williams ever since I started here and for over 20 years in total. We’ve got a great relationship with them, they’ve been a huge boon in helping to grow wagamama.”
The Staines branch has a wide range of Williams products, including bottle coolers and bottle wells, counters fitted with doors, drawers and wells, an upright refrigerator, a blast chiller and a dual compartment cold room.
“Williams products are used at every stage of the production process,” says Steve. ”They get used hard too, at peak times the doors are being opened every few seconds.” With freshness of ingredients being one of the most important factors this could be a problem, but Williams designs its equipment to work in high ambient environments while quickly recovering their operating temperature. From robust self-closing doors and heavy duty gaskets to the advanced CoolSmart controller, Williams products are capable of standing up to the kind of conditions found in busy professional kitchens like wagamama.