Multidecks | Energy Efficiency

Energy saving tips when choosing refrigerated multidecks.

Front of House refrigeration is the perfect way to display impulse items as well as for ‘Grab and Go’ situations. As these units are accessed more than typical refrigeration units ensuring you have the most energy efficient model is a must.

Multidecks are typically used to store drinks and sandwiches in cafes and other high traffic areas such as train stations and hospitals. These units generally range from 710mm wide (such as the Williams R70) to 1856mm wide (such as the Williams R180). Some units can be linked together to create considerably larger units.

Key energy considerations

Advanced airflow:  Open fronted units typically suffer from greater levels of heat ingress than a closed fronted model. Innovative ‘air curtain’ systems are available that recycle the cold air. Wasted cold air is either drawn into the cabinet, helping maintain temperature, or pulled through vents and grills to cool the refrigeration system itself and reduce energy consumption.

Clear vertical profiles further improve the air curtain protection too. They help to minimise cold air leakage during active service, thus reducing energy consumption and provide a complete cabinet front protection when stretching the night-blind.

Meanwhile, a honeycomb shaped profile at discharge level reduces air impurities and humidity - improving the front air curtain protective function.

LED lighting: An easy way to reduce energy use is to ensure the unit is fitted with LED lighting which uses less power than conventional lighting. Reduced heat output also means the refrigeration unit doesn’t have to work as hard.

Control: A minimal, flat full touch interface with clear display and HACCP features for system data monitoring and remote recording.

Keep it closed: Multideck units can be fitted with front sliding glass doors. These allow for massive energy savings by eliminating heat ingress from the open fronted units. Choosing a model with sliding glass doors not only reduces your energy use but doesn’t impact on the visibility of the products.

Tucked in at night: Choose a unit that has either a security shutter or night blind and ensure these are closed at night. By closing the front of the unit you can minimise energy consumption during quiet periods.

High performance insulation: increased thermal efficiency can be achieved with improved insulation. By maintaining a constant temperature more easily and reducing heat ingress the refrigeration unit will have to work less reducing its energy use.

On a day to day basis, save energy by ensuring that units are positioned away from heat sources and that the equipment is regularly maintained. Ensure merchandisers are fully stocked will also reduce energy that is wasted cooling empty space.

Take a look at our range of chilled multidecks here.