Back to Service Quick Guide for Coldrooms

Coldroom back to service quick guide

Back to Service Guide for Freezer Decommissioning


  1. Re-clean coldroom interior and shelving (including door gaskets)
  2. Re-­t strip curtain(s)
  3. Check and replace power failure battery (by a competent person)
  4. Ensure coldroom door(s) safety release is still working correctly
  5. Turn on only when the above steps have been taken (refer to Businesses Facilities Manager or supervisor for authorisation, where needed)
  6. Check that the ‘person trapped alarm’ operates (where ­fitted)
  7. Stay and monitor the coldroom operation to make sure it pulls down to temperature and no problems become evident
  8. It is recommended that the coldroom installation is serviced by a competent refrigeration contractor

NB: An inspection of the coldroom installation is suggested before resuming operation to ensure no visible damage to the coldroom, components and drain.

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Coldroom back to service quick guide